Twitter “Must Follows”

Screen Shot 2015-02-16 at 10.39.42 PMThe intent of this page is to provide teachers with a list of the “best of the best” educators to follow for 21st century learning professional development, ideas, resources and insights. Which leads to the question: If you could follow ONLY ONE person on Twitter, who would it be?  Please leave your answer and a short reason why in the “Reply” section at the very bottom of this page. I’ll then add it to the list!

UPDATE- OK, I realize I don’t have one must follow. I had to add my POWER PLN! Feel free to add yours!

The “MUST FOLLOW” List For Teachers

My POWER PLN- Innovative, cutting edge Ontario classroom teachers who push, support and challenge my thinking everyday:  @laurie_azzi @mraspinall @s_m077 @MrSoclassroom @allison_fuisz @avivaloca (@cherandpete)

Please add @ShiftParadigm (Mark Weston) to your list. He works tirelessly to motivate, inspire and connect educators from around the world. Although he claims to be “retired”, good thing for us that he continues to lead thought and practice in education. He deserves this recognition! (@laurie_azzi)

 For always bringing innovation into the math classroom. (@LetsLearnCalc)

@TheWeirdTeacher, Doug Robertson because he takes a unique view on education and the opportunities for learners (@BSGSCSFoster)

@coolcatteacher She’s amazing!  (@PhillipsMRachel)

@cybraryman1, Jerry Blumengarten, because he is always sharing resources with other educators. His website,, has thousands of resource pages for teachers, parents, and students.

@TheAtlanticEDU I know it’s not a person, but I get so much fascinating stuff from them. (@janamaiuri)

. My ONE MUST (@ThatsWightman)

 @sylviaduckworth Tech queen and Certified AIM Teacher, Google Certified, winner of Prime Ministers Award for Teaching (@mmegalea)

@ericcurts He has tons of amazing resources! (@nsattler)

 @alicekeeler – She is a Google Guru, EdTech expert, prolific blogger, and awesome person (@ericcurts)

@cherandpete This blogger recognizes the power of social media to connect & inspire educators! (@TamraDollar)

@hiphughes – I would highly recommend Mr Hughes is a very funny history teacher and prolific YouTuber who tweets a number of teacher and student tips each day. He uses technology to enhance his teaching and even though I’m in higher Ed, I find his tweets insightful and helpful and he also often responds when you reply to his tweets. (@Chapman_Histo)

Must follow @burgessdave, author of Teach Like A Pirate #tlap. Great ideas for new and veteran teachers. He shares his passion!!(@LisaMilstead)

@BethHouf is a must-follow Principal up in the Show-Me State who leads by example. She is a no-nonsense guide by the side and puts positivity, compassion and love into every Tweet. You will not want to miss one morsel of what she’s cooking up. (@BarbaraGruener)

@techgirljenny – She gives awesome ideas and resources on how to implement Apple products into the classroom (@ChelseaLeigh330)

Many of my go to feeds are listed above but I noticed one of my recent finds missing from the list @syded06 is a great resource.

@rkiker For EVERYTHING Google Ed! (@TheConnectedEdu)

@ICT_MrP  Lee Parkinson – his blog has so many amazing ideas.

3 Responses to Twitter “Must Follows”

  1. valerielees says:

    I would add hashtags to follow – my “go to” #s are #geniushour and #sd36learn and subject #s like #sschat #engchat or #ntchat (new teacher chat)
    (I am biased – as I am part of #sd36learn but we have started to build a strong sharing culture through twitter).
    I also like to reach educators across the world like #edchatnz and #edutweetoz Great to share with different perspectives culturally. People I like to read are @tonygurr and @anacristinaprts from afar. Great creative blogs!


  2. This is a good list. I follow most and run into many during #edchat at noon and 7 pm EST on Tuesday. Consider adding @DrDougGreen and my blog a http://DrDougGreen.Com for free resources for busy parents and educators. Keep up the good work.


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